
6th-8th Grade

What it’s all about…

Middle school can be such a tough time for a lot of kids as they yearn and search for a place to belong. At House of Prayer, we strive to create an environment where our pre-teens and teenagers feel welcomed, safe, accepted, and loved for who they are. In this program we will explore our relationship with God and how that intersects with our relationships with others. We do this through Sunday morning study, evening fellowship events, and projects to serve our community.

Confirmation Events

Thanksgiving Luncheon

November 17, noon

Join us for a Thanksgiving feast for the entire family as we gather for fellowship and offer our thanks to God for his many blessings. Cost- free will offering

Advent Retreat

December 6-7, For 1st-6th grades

Christmas is coming! Let’s get ready. Advent is the sacred time in our church year that helps us prepare for Jesus to be born into our world, again. At this mini-retreat, campers gather for an action-packed 24 hours at the Hill. We’ll get ready for Christmas as we explore the story of Jesus’ birth. Cost- $75/camper

Christmas Open House

December 8, 3-5pm

Members and friends of House of Prayer are invited to a Christmas Open House at the Youngdahl home, from 3-5 pm. Enjoy good conversation and delicious Christmas treats!

Confirmation Pizza Night

December 22, January 12, February 16, 6-8 pm

Enjoy the amenities of the youth center, chow down on pizza, and converse with others. Bring $5 and your friends!

Lutherhill Camp

June 8-13

Spend a whole week at Lutherhill discovering all of the joys camp has to offer. This week in LaGrange will be memorable and full of adventure! For 6th-8th grades. Cost-$725

Volunteer with VBS Day Camp

June 16-20, 9am-3pm

Once again, we are having the counselors from Lutherhill visit us and lead us in a day camp at the church, Monday-Friday, from 9am-3pm. We need your help by hanging out with the elementary age youth, and making sure that they have fun! Plan on volunteering with us!

Class Schedule


November 3- The Universal Letters

November 10- The Revelation to John

November 17- The Bible and My Life

November 24- THANKSGIVING BREAK, no class


December 1- THANKSGIVING BREAK, no class

December 8- God the Creator


December 22- God the Provider

December 29- CHRISTMAS BREAK, no class


January 5- CHRISTMAS BREAK, no class

January 12- God the Preserver

January 19- Jesus the Savior

January 26- ANNUAL MEETING- Trivia Day!


February 2- Jesus the Redeemer

February 9- Jesus the Lord

February 16- The Holy Spirit

February 23- The Church and the Saints


March 2- The Forgiveness of Sins

March 9- Resurrection and Eternal Life

March 16- SPRING BREAK, no class

March 23- SPRING BREAK, no class

March 30- The Stormy Monk


April 6- The Protesting Professor

April 13- Trouble, Trouble, Trouble

April 20- EASTER SUNDAY, no class

April 27- Heretic’s Trial


May 4- Martin Luther: A Legacy

May 11- The Sacrament of Baptism

May 18- The Sacrament of Communion

May 25- MEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND, no class

Sunday Pizza Night

Once a month on a Sunday evening @ 6pm, our middle school group spends time together with pizza night.

It’s a casual hangout where our leaders get an opportunity to mentor, challenge, and check-in with our pre-teens and teenagers. After a quick devotional, everyone hangs out for pizza and what we call free play, where students take over space, play games, work on projects, or just hang.

Have a Question?

What is confirmation?

Confirmation is a program for our 6th-8th grade students that allows them to explore their faith while nurturing the relationships that they have with their peers and their small group leaders.

What is a confirmation class like?

Confirmation students gather for class in large group, where Pastor Eric will present the theme of the day. Our lessons revolve around skits, video clips, game shows, and Bible readings. After large group, we break into two small groups- boys and girls- where we will discuss with our leader our highs and lows for the week, and process what we just learned in large group.

When does confirmation meet?

Confirmation class meets on Sunday mornings from 9:45-10:45 am, September-May. We will gather for large group upstairs in the youth center.

Do I have to be a member of the church to attend?

One does not have to be a member of the church to be involved in our confirmation program. We encourage our students to invite and bring their friends to class. The more…the merrier! All are welcome in confirmation.

Do I need to bring my Bible?

One of the things that House of Prayer does is give a Bible to every confirmation student. These Bibles will stay in the youth center during the school year. We want our students to mark up their Bibles by highlighting in them and writing notes. After all, the Bible is like a map for our lives!

Do I have to attend all three years to be confirmed?

The Rite of Confirmation is when our students stand before the congregation and say that they believe in the Triune God- Father, Son, and Holy Spirit- and that they believe that Jesus Christ is their Lord. Baptism is when God says “yes” to us. Confirmation is when we say “yes” to God. So if you believe these things, it doesn’t matter how many classes you have attended. We will constantly be growing in faith throughout our lives, and confirmation is just the foundational piece from which we build.

Talk to a Leader.


Meet CD!

CD Mathera is the small group leader for the boys in our confirmation program. CD has been a member of House of Prayer all his life, and actually was a part of the confirmation program when he was in middle school!