Adult Ministry

Service. Outreach. Fellowship.

What it’s all about…

Grow in faith. Make disciples. Serve in love.

This is our mission statement at House of Prayer, and we do whatever we can to live out this simple phrase each and every day, through service, outreach, and fellowship. Check out the many ways that you can become involved at our church through our adult ministry!


Adult Choir

Sing unto the Lord a new song! We gladly welcome all voices to join the choir. Meets once a week, September through May.


Handbell Choir

Join the handbell choir and make a joyful noise unto the Lord! No prior experience necessary. Meets once a week, September through May.


Praise Team

Our Praise Team is always looking for new singers and musicians! The Praise Team leads worship quarterly.


Worship Team

We are reliant on all of our volunteers in order to make the worshipping experience real, relevant, and relational to all who enter the sanctuary. Whether you would like to be an assisting minister, greeter, communion assistant, or AV/ sound, we have a place for you!



Ashes to Go

Unable to join us for worship on Ash Wednesday, why not try our Ashes to Go option? Drive up to church between the listed hours and receive an ashen cross on your forehead in the comfort of your vehicle. All are welcome.


Card Making

Once a month, this group gathers at the church to utilize their creativity in making cards that will be mailed out for birthdays, anniversaries, special occasions, hospital stays, and military deployments.


Communities in Schools

Through our congregational donations, we help to empower success for all students in the Clear Creek ISD by removing barriers for vulnerable students at risk of dropping out. This summer, the focus will be on pants for boys and girls in Kindergarten through 12th grade. Donations can be dropped off in the narthex.

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Feed Galveston

Join volunteers at First Lutheran in Galveston as we assemble dry ingredients together for packaged meals that will be delivered to the local food bank.

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God’s Work, Our Hands

Members and friends of the church gather for service projects during the month of September; ministering to those in need in our congregation, community, and world.

Homebound & Hospital Visitor

This team of people faithfully visit members and friends who are homebound, or in area hospitals.

Houston Food Bank

Assist at the Houston Food Bank with inspecting, sorting, and repackaging donated food items for community distribution. It’s a great service project for the whole family!

Volunteer at ICM Resale Shop

Join other HOP members as we volunteer at the ICM Resale Shop (803 E. Nasa Parkway, Suite 118, Webster). We sort through merchandise and organizing racks. 


Prayer Chain

Join a team of people who pray for those in need and offer up prayers of thanksgiving.

Reverse Advent Calendar

Collect one non-perishable item per day during the season of Advent, then bring your donations to the church on Christmas Eve or the Sundays following. All donations will then be delivered to Interfaith Caring Ministries.


Quilting Group

This group meets on Tuesdays at 2 pm and donates their quilts to Lutheran World Relief.

Water to Thrive

During the month of July, our congregation raises funds for Water to Thrive, an organization that builds water wells in Africa.



Bible Study

We have Bible studies offered throughout the week to suit your busy schedules. Just check out the events page to see what’s happening!


Book Club

We have two book clubs that meet- one that is monthly; the other that reads weekly.

Chili Fest

All House of Prayer members and their friends are invited to join in as we eat some chili.  You may bring your own pot of homemade chili for others to enjoy, but it is not required as the church will provide additional chili and cornbread.  There will be judges present to hand out awards all in the name of fun.


Christian Yoga

Tune your body, mind, and soul together into one with our Christian yoga offering, meeting once a week at the church.

Christmas Open House

Members and friends of House of Prayer are invited to a Christmas Open House at the Youngdahl home. Enjoy good conversation and delicious Christmas treats!


Dinner for Eight

Couples and singles in groups of eight (or so!) gather together in homes or in restaurants once a month for fellowship.

Easter Breakfast

Come and enjoy Easter breakfast as we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus!

Party on the Patio

All members and friends of House of Prayer are invite to a patio party! Burgers, hot dogs, and cold beverages await you as we gather together. There will be a moonwalk for the kids, and LIVE music on the patio. Indoor A/C seating is also available. You won’t want to miss!


Golf Tournament

Be sure to sign up for the yearly House of Prayer golf tournament in October!

Ladies’ Sunday Luncheon

Join us for this special gathering of women, as we come together for food and fellowship.

Men’s Sunday Luncheon

Join us for this special gathering of men, as we come together for food and fellowship.

Men’s and Women’s Luncheons

Members and friends of House of Prayer gather on a monthly basis for food and fellowship at local restaurants for lunch.



You won’t want to miss out on this annual event, as the congregation gathers for great German fare and a live polka band!

Thanksgiving Luncheon

Join us for a Thanksgiving feast for the entire family as we gather for fellowship and offer our thanks to God for his many blessings. We will also be collecting canned goods as an offering for the local food bank.

Talk to a Leader.

Meet Ginny!

Ginny Blasczyk is not only our organist, but also our choir director! We invite everyone and anyone to join the choir and make a joyful noise to the Lord. No experience necessary!


Meet Julie


Julie Shaw is hostess extraordinaire, always planning gatherings and fellowship get-togethers that are highly anticipated. Julie has two daughters, Mykenzie and Carlie, and serves on our church council.